Client Testimonials

"I felt prompted to write to let you know that the impact of your work extends beyond the course of sessions and to thank you for holding the safety of that space for me.”

“Our sessions with you have had such a positive impact long-term on our relationship. It's really amazing how our dynamic has changed and is still growing, how we've learnt so much about how to relate to each other when the path gets difficult to navigate.. of course stuff still comes up as is inevitable in relationship, but each time one of us will find a way of guiding it out of the shit and into the light! 

We are so much stronger and happier because of the ways you guided us. We are each independent but also committed to us and our kids and so willing to work at whatever issues come up. We are so much better at supporting each other and both being more self effacing, quite hard work at times but worth it. I feel so liberated in the relationship, where before I felt so stuck and hopeless that it would ever feel settled. Now to be in a place of great friendship and also mutual support, is incredible! I feel like from here we both can flourish and our kids too. 

Thank you, for your incredible skill and patience and your guidance, from us and all of our kids, who also benefit so much as they grow and develop, from us being in a happy space.”

“Thank you for your warmth, patience and humour. I have really valued our sessions.”

"Got engaged a year ago and getting married next August. Our relationship is going amazingly well between us. We are growing in strength from day to day as couple. We are really looking forward to our future together. You are the best possible help I could ask for. I have learned that it is not bad to ask for some help instead of struggling on your own. I recommend you as you are absolutely amazing and you can really help. So really THANK YOU as I wouldn't be where I am now without you.”

“All has been extremely well between myself and ----- since we saw you. It was highly efficient catalyst route into the love. I guess my aim was to condense all sixteen weeks into one hour!!, and that's what happened. Oops, and very well done.”

"Once I decided to commit to a period of therapy I scoured the Internet to find someone who I could be sure wouldn’t be shocked at anything I had to bring to therapy.  Having tried therapy in the past unsuccessfully, I had a clearer idea of the primary importance of the relationship in order for the work to happen. The honesty of Matt’s website stood out to me. He seemed like someone who had lived a bit and I was reassured that he could indeed handle whatever would come up. The fact that I could book online without having to go through that awkward initial phone call to make the first appointment also showed a level of understanding that was reassuring.  My first session with Matt was unlike any previous experience with therapists - there was no blank canvas here thankfully. Matt reacted as a friend would which instantly put me at ease. I felt completely listened to rather than analysed. Throughout our sessions I found myself testing Matt - had he remembered what I’d said in previous weeks? Was he really listening? Was this worth it?  The true testament of how open Matt is as a therapist is that I felt so comfortable in the relationship I could admit these feelings out loud to him, confident that he would withstand the scrutiny and gently challenge me on it.  My sessions with Matt lasted over a year and I can honestly say that his help changed the direction of my life. He certainly unlocked an awareness that I didn’t have before and I am eternally gratefully for his skills as a therapist. Even now, a couple of years later, I feel like he would be my first port of call if I needed that support again.”

"Thank you so much for helping me over these past months.  I feel like a different person to the woman who turned up at your door.  Looking back, desperate is the word that comes to mind.  I appreciate your kindness, your insight, I never felt judged or ashamed or needed to be anything other than myself & u have helped me see everything from a different perspective.”

"Thank you very much for all your help and wisdom over the last few months, it has been both challenging and rewarding.”

"The sessions were very helpful in a difficult time in my life. I particularly liked you approach of having an opinion which was very important to me as these were the thoughts that stayed in my head and helped me see things clearer.”

“You saw my husband this time last year and we both wanted you to know that we are very grateful to you for seeing him and doing such a wonderful job getting him to where he is today. He seems more confident than he has ever been and he is so pleased he took my advice and made that appointment with you. Thank you again for your time, patience, and understanding and for giving me my husband back.  I hope you continue to help others as you have helped my husband. Thank you very much.”

I wanted to drop you a line following the end of my therapy with you recently. especially as it is a Monday.....It is hard to articulate what my time with you meant, which is hardly surprising when talking about feelings, and the difficulty in finding the right words for thoughts and long forgotten or recently resurrected deep upsetness. What remains in the end, after 2 years of sitting and waffling and struggling at times to speak without pain, is a real sense of achievement. Hard wrought. I have come to love myself and to demonstrate to myself and to others real kindness, compassion, yes that's the word, compassion. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness, compassion and humour. I loved seeing your face, it was comforting seeing it, if that does not sound strange. So, my life has changed beyond my ken. ---- and I have moved into our new house and we are creating memories and love in our new large house. I will remain grateful for your help and support and insight. I hope your good work, continues with other troubled souls. You have a gift and you used it well. Thanks for always.”

I thought you were brilliant at what you do :) Once again, thank you for the time spend helping us”

"That last session was really quite transformative for both of us. I think the way in which you cornered me into trying to give an answer to the question "why am I here (in this relationship)" was really helpful for both ---- and myself. For ---, she could really sense the honesty of my not being able to give an answer and perceived me as being truly 'lost' and without an anchor in my life. However, not only did that point in the session help to shift -—'s perceptions of where my difficulties stem from, but it also shifted something for me, which I noticed even on the drive home but which has clarified still further in the day or so after. Something in me has undergone some sort of 'paradigm shift' whereby, instead of a feeling of having a heart that is closed to ---- and a sense of wanting to get away from her and all her problems it now feels as though my heart has opened to her and that I'm now seeing our relationship in a much more positive light. It's as if there has been a struggle between my 'lower' (selfish) self and my higher (altruistic) self and something has mysteriously shifted as a result of the interaction between all three of us in that doubt in large part due to the shared understanding based on honest disclosure and empathic response.

So ---- and I both would like to thank you for your gift and look forward to whenever we might next have reason to come and see you.”

I wanted to say a huge thank you for the help you have provided oner the years, its a been a huge help to me, so thank you.”

“Thank you so much for helping me over these past months. I feel like a different person to the woman who turned up at your door. Looking back, desperate is the word that comes to mind. I appreciate your kindness, your insight, I never felt judged or ashamed or needed to be anything other than myself & u have helped me see everything from a different perspective.”

"Just a quick update on my life. We reached that point! I wanted to say thank you to you for helping me, I am totally able to put myself across now which has made a massive difference to the way I deal with uncomfortable situations.(still don’t really understand how the whole counselling thing works…but it does!) You have helped me make a huge change to my life.”